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Shareware License

For MkvBatcher Free, MkvBatcher Pro And MkvBatcher_Slave
(referred to as MkvBatcher or this software)
Author: Siegfried Benthin

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using MkvBatcher. Use of this software indicates you accept the terms of this license agreement and warranty.

1. Disclaimer of Warranty
MkvBatcher (this software) is provided "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall the author of this software be held liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.

2. License
MkvBatcher is shareware. You may try the full functions of MkvBatcher Pro and MkvBatcher_Slave free of charge for 30 days. Once this 30-day period has expired, you must purchase a license key to use the additional functions of MkvBatcher Pro and MkvBatcher_Slave.
"MkvBatcher Free" (one engine) may be used without a license key. It is shareware too, but you are granted a license free of charge for the use of it.

3. Restrictions on Use
This software must not be decompiled, disassembled, reverse engineered or otherwise modified.

Copyright (C) 2015 SiegiSoft Siegfried Benthin. All rights reserved.